People don’t understand that Network Marketing is just like owning a franchise, it just doesn’t cost as much to get started! Let me see if I can explain this without going off in several different directions.
Look at a local car franchise.
Let’s say a Ford dealership. What’s the name on the building? Around here there is Murray, Garber, Beck, all Ford dealerships, yet none of them sell Murray, Garber, or Beck cars. They sell Fords. So why don’t the buildings say Henry Ford on them? Because they are all franchises. One benefit to owning a franchise is you get to name your business whatever you want, and use the well-known brand name (in this case Ford) to help with marketing and inform customers of your product.
I know you are probably thinking, Michael, this is basic. Everyone knows this.
Well, then let’s take this same view at Network Marketing.
There are literally hundreds of network marketing companies out there today. From Scentsy to Amway, ItWorks, Advocare, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, and the list goes on and on. As a business owner with one of these companies, you are authorized to sell their products and in return, you earn a commission or retail profit from those products sold. Another way you can create income is by “franchising out” or building your downline. This allows you to earn a small commission from the products sold from those in your downline.
You may now be thinking, “So if Network Marketing is like a franchise, why wouldn’t I just go start a franchise?” Well, you have that option, though if you have never looked at purchasing a franchise you may get sticker shock. Starting a franchise can cost thousands of dollars just for the rights to use the name and sell the products of that company. That doesn’t include building rent, overhead, marketing, and all the other expenses that go along with it.
Many Network Marketing businesses can be started for less than $100! There is no need to rent or lease a building to sell from. No cost for employees wages. And essentially no overhead costs. And in most cases, you get a website that is already built and ready to go!
The choice is yours.
So you can start a franchise for several thousand dollars just for the rights to use the name, or you can start a Network Marketing business for less than $100 and still enjoy the benefits of owning your own business.
PS: If you enjoyed today’s post, It’s A Lot Like Owning A Franchise, But Doesn’t Cost As Much! and looking for ways new ways to market your business, click here!
Michael Finch
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