I walked through the shelter and she was the only dog that sat there just looking at me. She didn’t bark. Her ears were back and she had this look of “please get me out of here”.
I immediately went to the desk and adopted her.
At that time, I was stationed with the Blue Angels at NAS Pensacola. It was my first year on the team. Lily was the best dog I could have asked for. I was truly blessed since sometimes you don’t know when getting a dog from a shelter.
After three years in Pensacola, she traveled with me to Japan, Ohio, Missouri, Washington, back to Ohio, and finally to Jacksonville, Florida.
Lily occasionally had seizures the entire time I had her. Usually, they were about 6 months apart, so there was nothing the vets could really do. These seizures would sometimes last for up to 6 hours. It was so painful to watch her struggle with them knowing there wasn’t much I could do but keep her calm, hydrated, and keep her from hitting anything.
When her seizures started becoming more frequent, I started researching anything that could help her. I had a friend suggest CBD oil. When she started having 3-6 seizures a day, I went ahead and got a bottle hoping and praying it would help.
Lily had another seizure and I grabbed the bottle of CBD oil. I used the eyedropper to put some oil on her tongue.
Her seizure stopped within one minute. I couldn’t believe it. After seeing her struggle with the seizures for hours in the past, I was flabbergasted that they stopped in less than 60 seconds.
From that point on I was sold.
Every seizure she had, I would drop a little oil on her tongue and they would stop. She would be back to her normal self in less than five minutes.
If you have a pet that has seizures, I highly recommend trying CBD oils. There are several companies out there that offer their own products, but Phytorite is the one I recommend.
Please do some research on your own. Not all CBD oils are the same, and I am not one to claim I know a whole lot about the subject. I can only tell you that it truly did help my princess get through her struggles.
Unfortunately, this story doesn’t have a truly happy ending.
When her seizures hit 13-15 seizures a day and she was never getting back to her normal self, I made the decision to have her put down. I think the seizures just took their toll on her brain after so many, and she lost herself along the way.
I’m just grateful that the CBD oil helped her get through the pain and struggle of dealing with them for the last year of her life.
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